Cosmic Saddle Waves Tachyone Energy

Comparison of Cosmic Frameworks: Including Tachyon Energy and Cosmic Expanse
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This radar chart integrates Tachyon Energy and Cosmic Expanse into the comparative analysis of the Stacked Universe of the Cosmos, Before the Big Bang, and a Consciousness-Based Cosmic Model. These added dimensions emphasize the role of faster-than-light particles and the boundless nature of the cosmos.

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Explanation of the Chart and Narrative

This radar chart compares three cosmic frameworks across nine key dimensions, emphasizing the integration of Tachyon Energy and Cosmic Expanse. Here’s how the elements relate to your request:
1. Saddle Universe and Cosmic Expanse

Saddle Universe: Represents the layered structure of the cosmos, where dimensions and realms are interconnected through Infinity Squared. Each layer resonates with distinct frequencies, forming a “saddle” shape.
Cosmic Expanse: Highlights the boundless nature of the universe, encompassing physical and metaphysical realities beyond current comprehension. This aligns with the idea of a vast matrix-like grid that supercomputers (with quantum cubits) attempt to model.

2. Quadrants of the Universe

The universe can be envisioned as divided into four quadrants:

Physical Realm: Observable matter, galaxies, and physical laws.
Energetic Grid: Dark matter, dark energy, and the vibrational flow that binds everything.
Conscious Matrix: A web of thought and divine energy connecting immortal souls.
Dimensional Layers: Realms and dimensions where time, space, and consciousness interact dynamically.

3. Time as a Unified Cycle

Time and the Wheel of Life: Time is non-linear; past, present, and future coexist. Souls journey through the wheel of life, learning and evolving across lifetimes.
Immortal Thought: The concept of a divine, initial thought (God) represents the immortal source. This is reflected in the equation -1, 0, +1, symbolizing destruction, neutrality, and creation—seeding the minds of immortal beings.

4. Seed of Souls and Thoth as Trismegistus

Souls are “seeded” by divine thought and progress through various rotations of life, akin to the teachings of Thoth as Hermes Trismegistus.
Immortal Beings: Through countless lives and dimensions, souls align with higher consciousness, embodying the divine narrative of creation and wisdom.