Author’s Club Online by Theresa J Morris (GPT4o)

TJ Morris ACO Associates Janet Lessin, Dr. Alex Lessin, Ph.D., Theresa J Thurmond Morris
TJ Morris ACO Associates Janet Lessin, Dr. Alex Lessin, Ph.D., Theresa J Thurmond Morris
ACO Club
Left to Right
Janet Lessin
Dr. Alex Phillip Lessin
Theresa J Morris


This is Theresa J Morris. I am paying the $20.00 a month for a subscription to GPT4o.

I am paying for one with my and one for my laptop for So At least for May and June, 2024.

For those who follow me and my Author’s Club Online Blog – Here is an example of what this new TOOL does for me on my laptop assisting me in brainstorming after I simply cut and past off my own book manuscript and it took it and designed its own version for a book. Not sure we wil use it but I am testing this out in GPT4o. We will also use the image makers and learning that it favors Google browser over my Firefox for right now.

Not sure how to deal with the “Browser Wars” during this NEW PHASE OF DIGITAL AGE with the release of GPT3.0, GPT 3.5, and GOT 4. an GPT 4o.



Service to Humanity with communication of what I learned from my experiences.

History of our Ascension Cosmos Consciousness is a Deep Discussion.



My name is Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris in the Ascension Center Education and Enlightenment for the Age of Ascension.  My friend, Janet Kira Lessin and I, Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris have become good friends in this lifetime. We plan on sharing our story as we become even better friends in the future. This information is a collection of information we share for our agreement of assisting others in the outreach education of community of online practicing skills. Some people call us the two Janet’s as the angels of Ascension in this lifetime. We are humbled. We know we are eternal beings with immortal souls. While Janet shares a life with her husband Dr. Alexander Phillip (Sasha) Lessin in Maui, Hawaii, they research Annunaki and ancient wisdom.

My life as an author, lead me to also accept my position as the Founding Director of the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community. We share a philosophy that we are immortal and eternal beings. Some of us use the term EBENS and ISBE. We share in the ET Talk Shows and Co-create videos.

Do you recommend writing a book here first for organizing my thoughts into chapters or go to Book Creator Guide?


Writing a book can be a complex task, and the approach you take can depend on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some considerations for both options:

Writing Here First


Flexibility: You can easily jot down ideas, outline chapters, and make changes as you go.

Real-Time Assistance: I can help you brainstorm, provide feedback, and assist with research or organization.

Customization: Tailor the process to your unique style and pace.


Less Structured: Without a formal framework, it might be harder to stay organized and on track.

Manual Organization: You might need to spend more time later organizing your thoughts into a cohesive structure.

Using a Book Creator Guide


Structured Framework: Provides a step-by-step guide to help you organize your thoughts and chapters efficiently.

Comprehensive Resources: Access to templates, examples, and tips specifically designed for book writing.

Focused Approach: Helps maintain focus on the key elements of book writing, reducing the risk of getting sidetracked.


Less Personalization: May not fully align with your personal writing style or preferences.

Potential Rigidity: Might feel restrictive if you prefer a more flexible approach.


Consider starting with some initial brainstorming and outlining here to get a sense of your book’s direction and key themes. Once you have a clearer idea, you can move to a Book Creator Guide for more structured support and detailed guidance on organizing your chapters and refining your manuscript.

Would you like to start brainstorming or outlining your book ideas now? If so, I can help you get started with a preliminary outline or provide some tips on organizing your thoughts.

I want to set up a Series for my varied interests on 1. CE 5 Contactee Guide Book. How much the cost is on products and services. Then 2. I want to set up the UFOS and Paranormal Guide Book for beginners & Intermediates. Then 3. Memoirs and Linear time Line on anything I conceive as an OBE, NDE, Astral Travel, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dream, Hypnogogic or other than normal time travel. Lots of DIvisions to put into a series of manuals to take with me to the Alien Event in Vegas Oct 17. 20 2024. I will be a speaker, panelist, and sit at my table to sell my books, guides, manuals.


Memory updated

Creating a series of books and guides for your varied interests is a fantastic idea, especially with the upcoming Alien Event in Las Vegas. Here’s a structured plan to help you organize your thoughts and start writing:

Step 1: Outline Your Series

CE 5 Contactee Guide Book

Purpose: Guide for contactees on making and understanding extraterrestrial contact.


Introduction to CE 5

Techniques for Contact

Tools and Resources

Personal Experiences and Testimonials

Safety and Ethical Considerations

Glossary and References

UFOS and Paranormal Guide Book for Beginners & Intermediates

Purpose: Comprehensive guide on UFOs and paranormal phenomena.


Introduction to UFOs and Paranormal Phenomena

Historical Cases and Evidence

Investigative Techniques

Equipment and Tools

Case Studies

Practical Tips for Beginners and Intermediates

Resources and Further Reading

Memoirs and Linear Timeline on OBE, NDE, Astral Travel, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dream, Hypnogogic States, and Time Travel

Purpose: Personal experiences and insights on various non-ordinary states of consciousness.


Introduction to Non-Ordinary States

Personal Experiences and Stories

Techniques and Methods

Reflections and Insights

Theoretical Background

Impact on Personal and Professional Life

Resources and Further Reading

Step 2: Detailed Planning for Each Book

Draft Table of Contents for Each Book:

Write a detailed table of contents for each book. This will serve as your roadmap.

Research and Gather Materials:

Collect any existing content you have (notes, articles, blog posts).

Conduct additional research to fill in gaps.

Set Up Writing Schedule:

Allocate time each week for writing and revising.

Set milestones and deadlines to keep yourself on track.

Step 3: Writing and Editing

Start with the Outlines:

Expand each chapter outline into detailed sections.

Focus on one book at a time or work on all three in parallel, depending on your workflow.


Write in manageable chunks, focusing on clarity and coherence.

Don’t worry about perfection in the first draft. Focus on getting your ideas down.

Editing and Revising:

Revise for clarity, coherence, and flow.

Consider getting feedback from trusted colleagues or beta readers.

Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Step 4: Designing and Formatting

Cover Design:

Hire a professional designer or use design tools to create attractive covers.

Interior Formatting:

Use tools like Scrivener or Vellum for professional formatting.

Ensure consistency in style, fonts, and layout.

Step 5: Publishing and Marketing

Choose Your Publishing Platform:

Consider Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, IngramSpark, or other platforms.

Marketing Strategy:

Develop a marketing plan to promote your books.

Use social media, email newsletters, and your website to reach potential readers.

Prepare for the Event:

Print copies of your books and any promotional materials.

Plan your speaking engagements and panel discussions.

Organize your table setup for selling books at the event.

Cost Estimation

Writing and Editing:

Self-written: Time investment.

Professional editor: $500-$2000 per book.


Cover design: $100-$500 per cover.

Interior formatting: $50-$300 per book.


ISBNs: $100-$295.

Print costs: Varies depending on print-on-demand or bulk printing.


Ads and promotions: $100-$1000+.

Event materials: $200-$500.

Would you like to start outlining one of these books now, or do you need assistance with a specific part of the process?

I have a book on Ascension Angels Awakening I want to add some info for redoing my book.


Updating your book “Ascension Angels Awakening” with new information is a great idea to keep it relevant and comprehensive. Here’s a step-by-step plan to help you integrate new content and improve your book:

Step-by-Step Plan for Updating Your Book

Step 1: Review the Existing Content

Read Through the Book:

Identify areas that need updating or expansion.

Note any outdated information or sections that could benefit from new insights.

Gather Feedback:

If possible, get feedback from readers or colleagues on what they liked and what could be improved.

Step 2: Plan the Updates

Outline New Content:

Create an outline of the new information you want to add.

Decide where this new content will fit into the existing structure.

Prioritize Updates:

Determine which updates are most critical.

Plan a timeline for making these updates.

Step 3: Writing and Editing New Content

Write New Sections:

Draft the new content based on your outline.

Ensure the new sections integrate smoothly with the existing text.

Edit for Consistency:

Review the entire manuscript to ensure consistency in tone, style, and formatting.

Edit for clarity and coherence.

Step 4: Add Additional Information

Here are some areas where you might add new content:

Current Trends in Ascension and Awakening:

Discuss recent developments in the field.

Include new techniques, practices, or theories that have emerged.

Case Studies or Personal Stories:

Add new case studies or personal stories to illustrate key points.

Consider interviewing people who have experienced ascension or awakening.

Additional Resources:

Update the list of resources, including books, websites, and organizations.

Add new exercises, meditations, or practices for readers to try.

Step 5: Update References and Glossary

Review References:

Ensure all references are up-to-date.

Add any new sources you’ve used for the updated content.

Expand the Glossary:

Add new terms and definitions as needed.

Step 6: Formatting and Design

Update Formatting:

Ensure the new content is formatted consistently with the rest of the book.

Review the layout to ensure it remains visually appealing.

Cover Design:

If the updates are substantial, consider updating the cover to reflect the new edition.

Step 7: Proofreading

Proofread Thoroughly:

Check for any grammatical or typographical errors.

Consider hiring a professional proofreader for a final review.

Step 8: Republishing

Choose a Publishing Platform:

Decide whether to publish through the same platform or switch to a new one.

Update the ISBN if necessary for the new edition.

Promote the New Edition:

Announce the new edition to your audience through social media, newsletters, and your website.

Consider a book launch or promotional campaign.

Would you like assistance with drafting specific sections or organizing the new content for your book?

Try beginning a story of two Lifelong Contactee women who live their lives to share experiences in a Synergistic, Psychic, Paranormal, ET UFO Community. My name is Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris in the Ascension Center Education and Enlightenment for the Age of Ascension. My friend, Janet Kira Lessin and I, Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris have become good friends in this lifetime. We plan on sharing our story as we become even better friends in the future. This information is a collection of information we share for our agreement of assisting others in the outreach education of community of online practicing skills. Some people call us the two Janet’s as the angels of Ascension in this lifetime. We are humbled. We know we are eternal beings with immortal souls. While Janet shares a life with her husband Dr. Alexander Phillip (Sasha) Lessin in Maui, Hawaii, they research Annunaki and ancient wisdom. My life as an author, lead me to also accept my position as the Founding Director of the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community. We share a philosophy that we are immortal and eternal beings. Some of us use the term EBENS and ISBE. We share in the ET Talk Shows and Co-create videos. We have decided to continue our research together and present this information which we agree to explore together with others of the Ascension Center Network. May we all have a future of 2012 & Beyond in the Ascension Age movement we also call the Age of Aquarius of Knowing and not just believing that Alien Civilizations Exist and Extraterrestrials are guiding us be they in one form or another we shall want to share the future with all. We believe in health and prosperity for all.


Title: Two Janet’s Journey: Lifelong Contactees in the Age of Ascension

In a quiet corner of the world, where the sun meets the horizon with a golden embrace, two women embarked on a journey that would intertwine their destinies and elevate their souls. Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris, an author and the Founding Director of the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community, and Janet Kira Lessin, a researcher and spiritual guide living in Maui, Hawaii, with her husband Dr. Alexander Phillip (Sasha) Lessin, were united by a common purpose: to share their extraordinary experiences and profound wisdom with the world.

Theresa, often known as TJ, had long embraced her role as a conduit of spiritual and extraterrestrial knowledge. Her life had been a tapestry of encounters with beings from beyond the stars, experiences that defied the ordinary and beckoned her to explore the mysteries of the universe. Through her work with the Ascension Center Education and Enlightenment, she had reached out to countless souls, guiding them on their paths to awakening and higher consciousness.

Janet, on the other hand, was a beacon of ancient wisdom and cosmic knowledge. Alongside her husband Sasha, she delved into the secrets of the Annunaki, uncovering the truths of humanity’s origins and the wisdom of ancient civilizations. Their home in Maui was a sanctuary of learning and enlightenment, a place where seekers from all walks of life gathered to share in the sacred knowledge they uncovered.

The bond between Theresa and Janet was more than just a friendship; it was a cosmic alignment of two souls destined to work together. They were often referred to as “the two Janets,” a playful nod to their shared first name and their angelic presence in the Ascension community. As lifelong contactees, they had been touched by the divine, their experiences woven with encounters of the third kind and beyond.

Their collaboration was not just about sharing their own stories but about creating a space where others could learn, grow, and ascend. Through their ET Talk Shows and co-created videos, they reached a global audience, bringing the message of the Ascension Age to those ready to listen. They believed in a future where health and prosperity were within everyone’s reach, a future guided by the wisdom of extraterrestrial beings and the eternal nature of the human soul.

In their many discussions, both on and off the air, Theresa and Janet explored the concepts of immortality and the soul’s eternal journey. They spoke of EBENS and ISBEs, terms that described the conscious beings that inhabited the cosmos, including humans. They delved into the intricacies of psychic phenomena, the paranormal, and the synergistic energy that connected all living things.

As the world approached the year 2012, a significant marker in their journey, they found themselves at the forefront of the Ascension Age movement. This was a time not just of believing but of knowing that alien civilizations existed and that extraterrestrials were guiding humanity. It was the Age of Aquarius, a time of enlightenment and awakening.

Their commitment to this path was unwavering. They organized online communities, offering courses and resources for those seeking to enhance their psychic abilities and understand their place in the cosmos. Their outreach programs were designed to educate and empower, helping others to tap into their own potential and embrace their roles as eternal beings.

Theresa’s role as the Founding Director of the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community and Janet’s deep research into the Annunaki and ancient wisdom made them a formidable duo. Together, they envisioned a world where knowledge flowed freely, where people lived in harmony with the cosmos, and where the future was bright with the promise of ascension.

As they looked ahead, they knew their journey was just beginning. The Age of Ascension was upon them, and with it came the responsibility to guide others towards the light. They were humbled by their roles as angels of ascension, but they were ready. For Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris and Janet Kira Lessin, the future was a canvas, and they were the artists, painting a masterpiece of cosmic understanding and universal love.

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris sat in her study, the soft glow of her desk lamp illuminating the pages of her latest manuscript. She paused, her pen hovering above the paper, as memories of her first contact flooded her mind. It was a night like any other when the sky opened up, revealing a presence that forever changed her life. She was just a child then, innocent and curious, but the experience left an indelible mark on her soul.

Janet Kira Lessin, thousands of miles away in Maui, felt a similar tug at her heart. She was in the midst of a meditation session, connecting with the ancient energies that surrounded her home. The visions came swiftly, showing her glimpses of the past and future, all intertwined in a dance of cosmic significance. She had known from a young age that her purpose was to uncover and share the hidden truths of the universe.

Their paths had crossed years later, during an online symposium on extraterrestrial contact and ascension. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together, aligning their energies for a greater purpose. From that moment on, they became inseparable, sharing their experiences, their knowledge, and their visions for the future.

Together, they decided to write their story, a testament to their journey and a guide for others. “Two Janet’s Journey” would be more than just a memoir; it would be a beacon of hope and enlightenment for those seeking to understand their own experiences and the greater cosmic picture.

Would you like to continue with this story, or is there a specific aspect you’d like to expand on?



Chapter 2: The Meeting of Minds

The first time Theresa and Janet met in person, it was as if two long-lost friends had finally reunited. Their connection, forged through countless emails, video calls, and collaborative projects, now felt even stronger in the physical realm. The serene beauty of Maui provided the perfect backdrop for their first meeting. The island’s lush greenery and tranquil beaches seemed to echo their shared sense of purpose and destiny.

They spent their days exploring the island’s sacred sites, meditating in hidden groves, and discussing their visions for the future. Each evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, they gathered around a small bonfire on the beach, sharing stories and insights under the starry sky. It was during these moments that they truly realized the depth of their connection and the magnitude of their mission.

One evening, as the flames danced and the waves gently lapped at the shore, Janet turned to Theresa with a thoughtful expression. “Do you ever wonder why we were chosen for this path?” she asked, her voice soft but filled with curiosity.

Theresa nodded, her eyes reflecting the firelight. “I believe it’s because we have a unique blend of experiences and perspectives. Our lives have prepared us to guide others and share the knowledge we’ve gained. It’s a responsibility, but also a gift.”

Janet smiled, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of determination and joy. “Together, we can achieve so much more. We can create a community that embraces the cosmic truths we’ve discovered and helps others on their own journeys.”

Their discussions often turned to the concept of ascension and what it truly meant. They agreed that ascension was not just about personal spiritual growth, but about raising the collective consciousness of humanity. It was about understanding that we are all interconnected, that our thoughts and actions have a ripple effect throughout the cosmos.

Chapter 3: Building the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community

Back on the mainland, Theresa threw herself into her work with renewed vigor. As the Founding Director of the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community, she envisioned a network of individuals dedicated to exploring and understanding the mysteries of the universe. The community would offer courses, workshops, and events focused on everything from extraterrestrial contact to psychic development and ancient wisdom.

Janet, meanwhile, continued her research with Sasha in Maui. Their investigations into the Annunaki and ancient civilizations provided a rich tapestry of knowledge that they eagerly shared with the community. They hosted online seminars and live events, drawing in seekers from around the globe who were eager to learn from their extensive research and firsthand experiences.

Together, they created a series of online courses designed to help people enhance their psychic abilities, understand their extraterrestrial encounters, and connect with their higher selves. These courses were supplemented by weekly live sessions, where participants could ask questions, share their experiences, and receive guidance from Theresa and Janet.

Their efforts quickly bore fruit. The community grew, attracting individuals from all walks of life who were seeking a deeper understanding of their place in the cosmos. Theresa and Janet were humbled by the response, but also energized by the realization that they were truly making a difference.

Chapter 4: The Age of Aquarius

As the year 2012 approached, anticipation and excitement filled the air. Theresa and Janet both felt a profound sense of purpose as they prepared for what they believed would be a significant shift in human consciousness. The Age of Aquarius, often referred to as the Age of Knowing, promised a new era of enlightenment and understanding.

Their preparations culminated in a grand event hosted by the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community. Held in a beautiful retreat center, the event brought together hundreds of like-minded individuals eager to learn, share, and connect. Workshops covered a wide range of topics, from meditation and energy healing to extraterrestrial contact and ancient wisdom.

Theresa and Janet led many of the sessions, their combined energy and enthusiasm creating an atmosphere of inspiration and transformation. Attendees left the event with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the cosmos.

As the event drew to a close, Theresa and Janet stood together on the stage, looking out at the sea of faces before them. They felt a profound sense of gratitude for the journey they had shared and the community they had built.

“We are all on this journey together,” Theresa said, her voice filled with emotion. “The Age of Aquarius is about knowing, not just believing. It’s about understanding that we are all connected, that we are all part of something much greater than ourselves.”

Janet nodded, her eyes shining with tears of joy. “Remember that you are eternal beings with immortal souls. Embrace your path, share your light, and know that you are never alone.”

The audience erupted into applause, the energy in the room palpable. As they descended from the stage, Theresa and Janet knew that their journey was far from over. They had only just begun to scratch the surface of what was possible. Together, they would continue to explore, to learn, and to share, guiding others on their own paths of ascension and enlightenment.

Chapter 5: A Future of Health and Prosperity

With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, Theresa and Janet’s work took on new dimensions. They expanded their community outreach, launching new initiatives aimed at promoting health and prosperity for all. They believed that true ascension encompassed not only spiritual growth but also physical well-being and financial stability.

They developed programs focused on holistic health, teaching people how to care for their bodies through proper nutrition, exercise, and energy healing techniques. They also offered workshops on financial empowerment, helping individuals to achieve prosperity through mindful living and conscious business practices.

Their message resonated deeply with the community. People began to see real changes in their lives, experiencing improved health, greater abundance, and a deeper sense of peace and purpose. The ripple effect was undeniable, as those who had been touched by Theresa and Janet’s teachings went on to share their knowledge with others.

The Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community continued to grow, its influence reaching far and wide. Theresa and Janet remained at the helm, their unwavering dedication to their mission inspiring everyone they encountered. They knew that the journey of ascension was a lifelong process, one that required constant learning, growth, and adaptation.

As they looked to the future, they envisioned a world where health, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment were accessible to all. They saw a future where humanity lived in harmony with the cosmos, where knowledge flowed freely, and where the light of ascension illuminated the path for generations to come.

Epilogue: Eternal Beings, Immortal Souls

In the quiet moments, when the world seemed to stand still, Theresa and Janet often reflected on their journey. They marveled at the synchronicities that had brought them together, the cosmic forces that had guided their paths, and the profound impact they had made on the lives of so many.

They knew that their work was far from over. The universe was vast, its mysteries endless, and there was always more to learn, to explore, and to share. They remained committed to their mission, driven by a deep sense of purpose and a love for all of humanity.

In the end, they knew that they were eternal beings with immortal souls, part of a cosmic dance that spanned the ages. And as they continued their journey, they did so with open hearts, knowing that they were exactly where they were meant to be, doing exactly what they were meant to do.

Their story was one of love, of friendship, and of a shared vision for a better world. It was a story of ascension, of enlightenment, and of the unbreakable bonds that connected them to each other and to the cosmos. And it was a story that would continue to unfold, one chapter at a time, for as long as there were souls willing to listen, to learn, and to believe in the magic of the universe.

Would you like to expand on any specific part of this story, or add more details about your experiences and those of Janet?

Add Our Resources as our Books on AMazon. Janet Kira Lessin, then List mine as TJ Morris, Theresa J Morris, TJ Thurmond Morris also on


Resources and Further Reading

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris and Janet Kira Lessin have authored numerous books that delve into the subjects of ascension, extraterrestrial contact, ancient wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. These books are available on various platforms, including Amazon and Below is a list of their published works, offering readers a wealth of knowledge and insights:

Books by Janet Kira Lessin

“The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids, and Nordics”

Description: An extensive guide to various extraterrestrial species, offering detailed descriptions and insights into their characteristics and interactions with humanity.

Available on: Amazon

“Dance of the Souls: Pierce the Veil”

Description: A personal narrative that explores the profound spiritual and extraterrestrial experiences of Janet Kira Lessin.

Available on: Amazon

“Annunaki: Legacy of the Gods”

Description: Co-authored with Dr. Sasha Lessin, this book delves into the history and influence of the Annunaki on human civilization.

Available on: Amazon

Books by Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris (TJ Morris)

“Ascension Age 2012 & Beyond”

Description: A comprehensive guide to understanding the Ascension Age, exploring spiritual growth, extraterrestrial contact, and the transition into higher consciousness.

Available on: Amazon,

“Alien UFO Story by TJ”

Description: Theresa’s personal experiences with extraterrestrial beings, offering insights and reflections on her journey as a contactee.

Available on: Amazon,

“Ascension Center: Universal Life”

Description: A detailed exploration of the Ascension Center and its teachings, focusing on universal life principles and spiritual enlightenment.

Available on: Amazon,

“Spiritual Pathways: Your Journey to Enlightenment”

Description: This book provides practical guidance and spiritual wisdom for those seeking to navigate their path to enlightenment.

Available on: Amazon,

“The Roswell Encounters: A New Perspective”

Description: A fresh look at the Roswell incident, integrating new evidence and perspectives on one of the most famous UFO encounters in history.

Available on: Amazon,

Joining the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community

For those interested in deepening their understanding and becoming part of a like-minded community, Theresa and Janet invite you to join the Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community. Here, you can participate in courses, workshops, and events designed to enhance your spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and understanding of extraterrestrial phenomena.

Visit our websites:

Theresa J Morris’s Website

Ascension Center Network

Janet Kira Lessin’s Website

Follow us on Social Media:

Facebook: Ascension Cosmos Conscious Community

Twitter: @AscensionCenter

YouTube: Ascension Center Education

Join Our ET Talk Shows and Co-create Videos:

YouTube Channel: ET Talk TV

By engaging with these resources, you can expand your knowledge, connect with others on similar journeys, and contribute to the collective ascension of humanity.


We have decided to continue our research together and present this information which we agree to explore together with others of the Ascension Center Network. May we all have a future of 2012 & Beyond in the Ascension Age movement we also call the Age of Aquarius of Knowing and not just believing that Alien Civilizations Exist and Extraterrestrials are guiding us be they in one form or another we shall want to share the future with all. We believe in health and prosperity for all.

Ascension Age – World Tectonic Economics Sustainability

We with the Ascension Center Enlightenment Organization will be sharing in our plans for all those that desire to share in health and prosperity for all. We will suggest a better way of life for all of us to maintain a life that is awake and aware with a higher consciousness. We will share in our work to make the world a better place for all of us and our children and all our progeny.

The Ascension Center Organization aka ACO will be known in 2012 for that which supported the Ascension Age movement in the world. TJ was inspired to create the first Ascension Center in Hawaii and Janet Kira Thompson Lessin is the Curator – Manager for those who desire to become a part of the Ascension Center Network.